Robertson Library
The Robertson Library contains a wealth of resources ready for you to tap into for your studies.
Subject guides
Subject guides point you to the books, journals and databases to support your studies in a particular subject area or programme.
Library contacts and hours
Need to talk to someone?
Have a question?
Find the contact details you need for the Robertson Library.
Distance learners
Find out about accessing Library resources when you are studying at a distance.
Library News
There’s a Library service for ākonga studying at a distance.
Find out how to access hardcopy Library collections (and more), from the Distance learners page.
Place a request on items
Place a request on an item that you need in the Robertson Library or any of the Otago University Libraries.
Citing and referencing
Learn how to take information you have found in your research and use it in your writing, correctly citing and referencing as you go.
Library tour
Take a Library tour and become familiar with the Robertson Library.
Group study rooms
Book a study room in the Library.
Interloan Service
Request items from other Libraries in New Zealand and beyond.
Printing, copying and scanning
The Otago Polytechnic MFD (Multi-Function Device), for printing, copying and scanning, is located near the Reserve collection on the ground floor.
Using Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a search engine dedicated to the discovery of peer reviewed information/academic literature.
Search for books or articles
Search tips for using the Robertson Library catalogue - Library Search | Ketu.
Searching for information
Learn how to effectively find the information you need.
Borrow and renew books
Find out about your Library card, borrowing and renewing books and fines/charges.
About e-books
The Otago Polytechnic has a growing collection of e-books. Find out how to use them here.
The Reserve collection
The Reserve Collection is made up of required textbooks and other resources that are in high demand for courses.
Learn how to book, and check out an item from the Reserve collection.
Research databases provide access to articles in hundreds of journals, newspapers and magazines.
eTV - video library
eTV provides OP learners and staff a wide range of national and international video library services.