The following databases and websites will help you find reliable and authoritative information, research or statistics to aid in your studies.
Using databases
Most databases allow you to search across a large collection of e-journals, newspapers, magazines, reports, dissertations and sometimes ebooks and videos as well.
To search across the whole Robertson Library catalogue, including what is on the shelves, use Library Search | Ketu.
The databases listed below are a mix of open access (freely available) databases and ones that the Otago Polytechnic subscribes to.
The databases the Otago Polytechnic subscribes to will prompt you to log in with your student / staff username and password.
The results from databases will include the complete reference (citation) for the item as well as a brief summary (or abstract). In some cases, you will also be able to access the entire article (the full text) and download it. Two advantages to using databases over a general web search is the ability to limit the results to research articles (aka scholarly, academic or peer reviewed articles) and the increased opportunity to access the full text.
Use your student username and password for all databases.
Databases by subject
For a list of databases grouped by subject, visit the subject guides page. You can also access more resources relevant to your subject or course.
Databases listed A - C
ABI/INFORM Collection (Business) ProQuest databases help guide
Use this ProQuest database to search across a collection of journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics magazines and country-and industry-focused reports.
Academic Search Complete (Multidisciplinary)
This database focuses on providing access to academic peer-reviewed journals as well as reports, books on a wide range of topics and disciplines. Subject coverage includes: Animal Science; Chemistry; Engineering; Ethnic & Multicultural Studies; General Science; Physics; Psychology; Science & Technology; Veterinary Science and more.
The ACM Digital Library (IT and Computing)
A comprehensive database of full-text articles and research relevant to computing and information technology; including the complete collection of ACM publications.
Applied Science & Technology Source (Engineering and Computing) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Offers a diverse array of full-text and indexed (reference only) content covering all areas of the applied sciences and computing disciplines.
Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)
Art Full Text is a comprehensive resource for art information featuring full text resources from more than 300 periodicals, indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals and 13,000 art dissertations. 200,000 art reproductions provides examples of styles and art movements, including works by emerging artists. The database covers fine, decorative and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and also includes a database-specific thesaurus.
Art & Architecture Complete (Art, Architecture) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Search across 1,110 active (i.e. still in print) journals and magazines (made up of peer reviewed, trade and popular/entertainment publication). This collection covers topics relating to art and/or architecture. Results are made up of article abstract and reference information and some full article access too.
Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus (Multidisciplinary - New Zealand) EBSCOhost databases help guide
This database includes Australasian magazines, journals, newspapers, newswires and reference books, plus more than 90,000 biographies and an image collection of more than one million photos, maps and flags.
Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic
This database is on the Ebsco platform and provides access to articles from a wide range of biomedical journals. Major subject areas include medicine, dentistry and pre-clinical sciences.
Bridget Williams Books New Zealand History Collection
A collection of eBooks covering topics in New Zealand history, including key texts on the Treaty of Waitangi.
Bridget Williams Books Te Pouhere Kōrero Collection
Provides access to the journal, Te Pouhere Kōrero – Māori History, Māori People. This publication focuses on Māori and Indigenous history.
Bridget Williams Books Texts Collection
A series of ‘short books on big subjects' from New Zealand writers.
Bridget Williams Books Critical Issues Collection
A collection of texts that analyse the big issues facing New Zealand today, with topics including housing, inequality, climate change, child poverty, the environment and migration.
Bridget Williams Books Women's Studies Collection
A collection of texts on the experiences of New Zealand women.
Bridget Williams Books New Zealand Sign Language Collection
Access New Zealand sign language: A reference grammar / Rachel McKee and People of the eye: Stories from the deaf world / Rachel McKee.
Britannica Academic (multidisciplinary)
The aim of this resource is provide trusted information with balanced, global perspectives and insights. Entries include country information and data, biographies and articles on a variety of topic areas (from science to political systems and from the arts & literature to geography).
Business Source Complete (Business) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Search across a range of scholarly and trade related information sources. Subjects covered include: business, marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics.
Career and Technical Education: Science & Technology (Multidisciplinary) ProQuest databases help guide
A ProQuest databases providing (mostly) full-text access to vocation information in the areas of: Computing science, Healthcare, Building trades, Engineering, Auto mechanics, Sales and retail, Accounting, Graphic design, and Photography
ClinicalKey Student Foundation Nursing
This online collection is owned by Elsevier and includes 105 of their nursing textbooks and a video collection. Topic areas include: anatomy and physiology, nursing fundamentals, critical care, emergency nursing, care of older adults, general practice nursing and more. These textbooks will also show up in relevant Library catalogue (Library Search Ketu) searches.
Important: First time users to this database will be prompted to register an account first. Please use your Te Pūkenga Otago Polytechnic email for this so you are recognised as a student or staff, but please create a different password.
CINAHL Ultimate (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Search across a large collection of nursing and allied health publications (national and international). Results include: peer reviewed research, quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets and continuing education modules (CEUs). Over sixty Australian and/or New Zealand nursing or allied health journals are included in the collection.
Cochrane Library (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery)
Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that provide evidence-based healthcare research around the effectiveness of different health care treatments and interventions (such as systematic reviews and clinical trials assessments). This database is freely available and full text access to the research is limited.
Databases listed D - G
Dynamed (Health and medicine - Nursing)
Dynamed is a health and medicine database aimed at clinicians. Its aim is to facilitate efficient and evidence-based patient care. Its content includes regularly updated medical literature about diseases and conditions, evidence based recommendations and drug and laboratory publications.
eBook Academic Collection (Multidisciplinary) EBSCOhost databases help guide
A large collection of academic eBooks on a variety of subjects to support your research needs. Subject areas covered include: Business and economics, Health & medicine, Social sciences and Technology and engineering. Books can be downloaded as a pdf or epub.
Education Source (Education) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Provides access to a peer-reviewed journal collection and a video collection on the many aspects of education research and training.
Engineering Source (Engineering) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Engineering Source is an EBSCO database that allows you to search across a large collection of engineering journals, magazines and trade publications (monographs, books, conference papers and proceedings). The database provides a mix of full-text and abstract only access.
Environment Complete EBSCOhost databases help guide
This is a journal database focused on environmental studies and related disciplines including: energy, environmental policy and environmental law. Subjects Include: Ecosystem ecology, Geography, Marine and freshwater science, Natural resources, Pollution and waste management, Renewable energy sources, Social impact of the environment and Urban planning.
eTV is an online video library for New Zealand educators. It has a wide range of national and international video library services, as well as providing a live streaming service for all Free to Air NZ channels and selected international channels. eTV is free for OP staff and students and is accessed using your OP username and password.
ERIC: Education Resource Information Centre Education (Education)
ERIC is an open access index of education research developed by the Institute of Education Science. Results include articles from peer reviewed journals, reports and conference papers. There is no full-text access to the results in this database, unless they are already freely available online. Most results will provide the reference & abstract/summary only.
findNZarticles (New Zealand)
This database lets you search for research across a number of NZ research organisations, agencies and Libraries. Full-text access to the results is limited to the research that’s been made open access.
Gale Databases (Multidisciplinary)
Link through to the list of database collections available from Gale Cengage. Select a particular collection or search across them all. Subjects include: business, current affairs, economics, health, history, life sciences, psychology, physical sciences, social sciences, sports studies, technology, vocation and careers, politics and popular culture.
Gale Health and Wellness (Health)
This a database of consumer health resources from Cengage. Access authoritative information on health-related issues.
This database includes interactive 3-D models that allow students to explore elements, reactions, crystals, molecules, and compounds.
Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy
This database includes interactive 3-D models that allow students to deep dive into specific systems or regions of the body.
Gale Interactive: Science (Gale Interactive)
An online interactive database that cover key science subjects including biology, chemistry, earth science and human anatomy. Authoritative content is paired with interactive 3D models.
Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection (Horticulture)
This Gale Cengage database provides access to academic journals and magazines relevant to horticultural studies. The database provides a mix of full-text and abstract only access.
General OneFile (Multidisciplinary)
A general-interest database that searches across more than 8,000 newspapers, magazines and journals. Full text access to most results.
Google Scholar (Multidisciplinary)
This Google search limits your search results to peer reviewed research (mostly journal articles and books). If you’re connected to the Otago Polytechnic network, Otago Poly Article Link will show up next to the Google Scholar results that are available through the Library databases.
GreenFILE (Multidisciplinary - environmental focus) EBSCOhost databases help guide
This EBSCO database allows you to search for information with an ‘environmental impact’ focus across a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Some results provide full text access but most are abstract only.
Databases listed H - L
Haynes manuals – ALLAccess (Architecture, Building and Engineering)
Access the collection Haynes car and motorcycle repair manuals online. Browse the collection by make and model.
Health Business Elite (Health administration)
Search across specialist journals on the topics of healthcare administration and other non-clinical aspects of healthcare institution management. This databases is updated on a daily basis.
Health Navigator (Health – New Zealand)
The Health Navigator website is set up for New Zealanders to find reliable and trustworthy health information and self care resources.
Health Source: Consumer Edition (Health - general)
Health Source: Consumer Edition is available on the Ebsco platform. The content is aimed at a general audience and comes from health magazines, reference books, health pamphlets and reports. This is a full-text database and subject areas include fitness, nutrition, diabetes, aging, women's health and children's health.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (Health - Nursing)
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is a full-text database on the Ebsco platform. This database covers nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management and medical law.
Hospitality & Tourism Complete (Hospitality and Tourism) EBSCOhost databases help guide
This database covers many areas of hospitality and tourism, including hospitality law, market trends, food and beverage management and hotel management. The collection includes full access to hundreds of peer reviewed journals, trade magazines, company and country reports, books and newspapers. However, some of the results are restricted to reference and abstract information.
Index New Zealand (Multidisciplinary – NZ publications)
Need to find information on a topic from a New Zealand publication? This database searches NZ newspapers, academic journals, popular magazines and trade journals published since the 1950s. This is an index so the results will provide the reference & abstract/summary only.
Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Based Practice (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery)
Access the evidence based practice documents in the Joanna Briggs midwifery, nursing and allied health collection (e.g. evidence summaries, systematic reviews, consumer information sheets, technical reports and best practice information sheets).
JSTOR (Arts & Sciences III collection)
This database is great for studies in Art, Design and Architecture. It provides full text access to JSTOR's Arts & Sciences III collection and the Art, Art History and Architecture package. All the all titles in this collection are also available in Library Search | Ketu.
Lippincott Procedures (Nursing)
Lippincott Procedures provides real-time access to step-by-step guides for over 1,700 evidence-based procedures and skills in a variety of speciality settings. Written by clinicians for clinicians, the information includes: required equipment, quick lists to follow, patient instructions, complications to consider, skills checklist, competency tests and hundreds of video clips, diagrams and full-colour images.
Lippincott Procedures also has an app! It's free to download from Google Play and Apple Appstore and includes 30 days of offline access. Read the following before downloading:
Download the app on the Otago Polytechnic network and choose the option to authenticate via IP. Then, to ensure off-line access for 30-days, switch the 'Keep me logged in' button to 'On'.
Working or studying at a distance? Contact the Robertson Library to get set up with a username and password to authenticate access. To maintain access to the app when offline, remember to switch the 'Keep me logged in' button to 'On'.
Lippincott Advisor (Nursing)
This companion collection to Lippincott Procedures, provides evidence-based content related to Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment, Care Planning, Patient Teaching Handouts and Clinical Leadership, Development, and Advancement. The collection can be browsed by topic or category or keyword search.
Databases listed M - N
MAS Reference eBook Collection EBSCOhost databases help guide
An ebook collection covering a broad range of general reference subjects and targeted to secondary level education. Topics include biography, history, careers, language arts, literature, government, health, math, science, current events, and social-emotional health.
MasterFILE Complete (multidisciplinary) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Access a large collection of popular magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, the database also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags. To view a list of the publications in this collection, click here for journal titles and eBooks
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
The ebooks in this collection cover a vast range of subject areas. To view a list of the eBooks in this collection, click here. These eBooks do not show up in the Library catalogue.
MAS Ultra - School Edition EBSCOhost databases help guide
Designed for high school libraries, this is a full-text reference database of popular magazines and e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health.
MEDLINE Complete (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Targeted to nurses, health professionals and health researchers, this database allowing you to search across a collection of thousands of biomedical and health journals. Results include reference and abstract information and full article access to over 3000 journals.
Medsafe - medicine information
Medsafe is responsible for administering the Medicines Act 1981 and Regulations 1984 and regulates products used for a therapeutic purpose. The site also provides access to Data Sheets and Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) published by pharmaceutical companies.
Ministry of Health Publications (Health – New Zealand)
Browse the research publications and statistics available from the Ministry of Health website.
New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Library (Vet Nursing / animal health) NZ Vet Nursing Library database help guide
This database is provided by SciQuest and it provides information about articles from New Zealand and Australian veterinary and animal science publications. Some results are available in full text and others are citation and abstract only.
Nursing & Allied Health (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery) ProQuest databases help guide
This ProQuest database is designed for those preparing for a career in healthcare, teaching patient care, or engaged in nursing research. The contents are a mix of academic/scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials, evidence-based resources, systematic reviews and dissertations.
Nursing Reference Centre Plus (Health and medicine – Nursing) Nursing Reference Centre database help guide
This database is designed specifically for nurses - providing evidence-based information and summaries for point of care, continuing education, nursing research and more. Content also includes video demonstrations, images and is regularly updated. This subscription comes with free access (for OP students and staff) to the Nursing Reference Centre Plus app for Android and iOS devices. (multidisciplinary – research repository - NZ research)
A site that lets you search across the research repositories of NZ’s polytechnics and universities. Many of the results can be downloaded as PDFs and these include theses, conference papers and posters, journal articles, reports, creative works, working and discussion papers and book chapters.
NZ Standards (Architecture, Building and Engineering)
Access the NZ building-related standards that have been sponsored by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment and made freely available as a downloadable pdf. Search for a standard by entering the code or name in the search box, or use the filters to narrow your search of the standards by topic area (e.g. moisture).
Databases listed O - P
OpenCorporates (Business)
OpenCorporates is the largest open database of companies and company data in the world.
OPRES: Otago Polytechnic Research Repository (multidisciplinary – research repository - NZ research)
OPRES, the Otago Polytechnic Research Repository, collects, preserves and distributes digital material. Many of the results can be downloaded as PDFs.
OT Seeker (Health – Occupational Therapy)
This freely available database provides access to the abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other resources relevant to Occupational Therapy interventions. Results may include a link to the full text if they are in freely available online.
Oxford Art Online (Art)
This database is culmination of Grove Art Online, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics and the Oxford Companion to Western Art.
This database is culmination of Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music and the Oxford Companion to Music.
PEDro (Health – allied health)
This is an open database of physiotherapy evidence based research, such as randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines. Results will supply the citation and abstract (summary). Some results may link to the full-text if it has been made freely available online.
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection (Sports studies, Physical education)
This Gale Cengage database provides access to a collection academic journals and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports. Some results may include links to the full article for others the citation and abstract is supplied.
ProQuest Central (Multidisciplinary) ProQuest databases help guide
This ProQuest database lets you search across many of ProQuest’s smaller database collections of academic journals, popular magazines, newspapers, trade journals and some ebooks. These smaller collections include a Health & Medicine collection, Psychology journals collection, Science & Technology, and a Social Science journals collection. The majority of the results are full-text available.
ProQuest Academic eBook Central (multidisciplinary)
Search or browse ProQuest eBook titles purchased by Te Pūkenga Otago Polytechnic (OP), plus those available through the Academic Complete collection. This collection is huge and covers a range of subject areas. All of the books in this collection show up in the Library catalogue searches so you won’t miss out on them.
Using ProQuest eBooks: If you are unsure about using the Library eBooks available through ProQuest or have questions about downloading or saving their content, please refer to About ebooks on the Robertson Library landing page.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (Psychology) EBSCOhost databases help guide
Access information concerning, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, emotional and behavioural characteristics, anthropology and observational & experimental methods. Full access is provided to most results.
PubMed Central (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery, Sports medicine)
This is a database of health, allied health and medical research that is open access / freely available online - it is maintained by the US National Library of Medicine.
PubMed (Health - Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery, Sports medicine)
This is an open database from the US National Library of Medicine - it provides access to the citations and abstracts of millions of health, allied health and medical research articles. Some results may include links to the full article but only if they are open access / freely available online.
Databases listed S - V
High quality, up-to-date workplace safety training videos, quizzes and courses.
Sociology Source Ultimate (social sciences) EBSCOhost databases help guide
This full-text database includes more than 1000 journals (dating from 1908 to the present day), over 1000 books and monographs. Topics covered include: gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.
SPORTDiscus with Fulltext (Sports studies, Physical education, Sports medicine) EBSCOhost databases help guide
An EBSCO database dedicated to sports studies and sports psychology and medicine. Most results have full text access.
Standards New Zealand Online Library
Consult a range of regional and national standards online and/or download a pdf version. Sectors utilising Standards include: Building and construction, business and trade, consumer and occupational safety, education and training, engineering, energy, environment, digital and data, health, local government, primary industries, tourism and hospitality, transportation and logistics. For more information about Standards, consult the Standards New Zealand website. Standards may be in the form of specifications, codes of practice, adoptions of standards from other countries, glossaries, bylaws, or test methods.
Taylor and Francis (Multidisclipinary)
Search the range of academic journals published by Taylor & Francis on a wide range of subject areas. There is full text access to articles from some of these journals.
Te Ara - Encyclopedia of New Zealand (New Zealand)
A comprehensive online guide to the country’s peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy, institutions and society.
Te Puna Search (Multidisclipinary – New Zealand)
Search the collections of New Zealand libraries. Items not held in the Robertson Library or University of Otago Libraries can often be requested using the Library Interloan Service.
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.
The Maori health Review (New Zealand - Research)
Māori Health Review provides regular updates on research in the Māori Health area.
The New Zealand Formulary (NZF)
An independent resource providing healthcare professionals with clinically validated medicines information and guidance on best practice.
Trove (Multidisciplinary - Australian research repository)
Trove helps you find resources relating to Australia - it brings together content from libraries, museums, archives, repositories and other research organisations.
Vocational Studies Complete (multidisciplinary) EBSCOhost databases help guide
A journal database designed specifically for the research needs of vocational programs. Subjects include: Alcohol and drug abuse counselling, Computer and data processing, Cosmetology, Culinary arts, Electrical technology, Fashion design, Fire science, Graphic arts, Interior design, Travel and tourism and veterinary assisting.
Database help guides
Use these helpful guides to learn how to get the most out of different databases.