Library contacts and hours
Need to talk to someone? Have a question? Find the contact details you need from the information below.
The Robertson Library - Dunedin
135 Union Street East P.O. Box 56 Dunedin 9054 | |
03 479 3793
The Robertson Library supports the learning of Otago Polytechnic and University of Otago students and staff. Use the Robertson Library for access to: quality resources to support your study; warm, comfortable spaces for individual and group study; student computers and printing, copying and scanning facilities. You can also ask the helpful, knowledgeable Library staff for assistance.
Study spaces in the Library have been reorganised with 1 metre distancing in effect.
Robertson Librarian
Paula Whitelock | | 03 479 3806 |
Library hours
Robertson Library
Library staff are available for queries between the hours of 8.30am and 9pm (or until earlier closing time). Outside of this time the Library is a study space only.

Lending services
Library Client Services staff can assist you with:
- Finding your way around the library
- Finding resources to support your studies
- Using the student computers and printing/copying facilities
- Using the interloan/document delivery service
- Accessing Library resources when studying at a distance
Client Services | | 03 479 3793 |
We recommend that you contact the Library with any information queries between 8:30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Information services - Subject librarians
Subject Librarians provide additional support to students and staff.
Contact your Subject Librarian for help finding and evaluating scholarly literature and other reliable information sources to complete assignments and conduct research.
For staff, Subject Librarians can run Library sessions and workshops to foster the development of student research skills.

Paula is Subject Librarian for the following subjects:
Building and Engineering
Occupational Therapy
Natural Resources [including Horticulture]
Social Services
Vet Nursing
Capable NZ - in any of the above subjects
Contact Paula 03 479 3806

Amanda is the Subject Librarian for the following subjects:
Business and Tourism
Computing and IT
Physical activity and wellbeing
Contact Amanda 03 479 7404
Interloan service | 03 479 8376 |
Request books and articles that aren’t held in the Robertson Library (or the University of Otago Libraries) using the Get It Interloan Service. In most cases the service is free and you can make your requests online.
Library services for distance students |
0800 347 826 or 0800 DISTANT (NZ only) +64 (0)3 479 8940 |
If you're taking a distance paper or studying outside Dunedin (permanently or on temporary placement), you can request books and articles held in the Robertson Library and the University of Otago Libraries using Library Search Ketu. You can also make use of the Interloan Service and contact a Subject Librarian for assistance with using the Library databases etc. Students studying through the Cromwell and Auckland campuses can also use this service.
Central Campus
Library access, help and support
Lending services
The Robertson Library on the Otago campus is accessible to staff and ākonga on the Central campus.
Items in the Otago Polytechnic and University of Otago library collections can be requested via the Library catalogue, delivered by courier and returned to a freepost address. More information about this is on the Distance learners page.
If you have a current staff or student ID, you can visit these libraries and borrow from the collections.
Information/research services
For assistance using the Library catalogue and searching Otago Polytechnic's online research collections (databases), please contact us: | 0800 347 826 (24 hour answerphone) or (03) 479 3793 |
Study spaces
For information about study spaces on the Central campus, please contact: | 03 445 9900 or 0800 765 9276. |
Library regulations
Use of the Library is conditional upon the observance of its rules and of such directions as may from time to time be given by the Librarian.
Definitions for the Purposes of these Regulations
The word "material" shall be taken as meaning any items made available through the Library and shall include books, periodicals, audio/visual material and all other property of the Library.
The word "Librarian" shall be taken as meaning the Library Manager or any member of the Library staff properly authorised by the Library Manager.
The word "borrower" shall be taken as meaning any person making use of the facilities of the Library.
Membership of the Library is open to:
All fee-paying students of the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic;
All staff of the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic;
All Council members of the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic;
Retired members of staff of the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic;
Visiting scholars in the University of Otago or Otago Polytechnic;
Individuals who have been granted the status of honorary members of the Library.
The Librarian may by separate agreement admit members of other institutions to such library privileges as may be specified in that agreement.
The general public may use the Library for reading and reference purposes, and for photocopying.
No person shall remove any Library material from the Library without a proper record having first been made.
The borrower's Library card must be presented when borrowing materials.
Library material leaving the Library remains the personal responsibility of the borrower until its return to the Library.
Material must be returned or renewed on or before the date due.
The loan period on borrowed material may be extended twice, provided there is no request for the item by another borrower.
Fines will be levied for overdue material.
No further borrowing will be permitted to borrowers who have overdue material or outstanding fines.
There are limits on the number of items that may be borrowed.
In the event of loss, damage or non-return of any borrowed item, the borrower may be required to pay the full cost of repair or replacement of the item. A service charge determined by the Librarian may also be charged.
Borrowers who make use of the inter-loan service agree to abide by any conditions of use that might be applied by the lending Library.
Borrowers who request overseas inter-loan or document delivery agree to pay the costs incurred.
Reference books and material such as periodicals, which are marked "reference only", may not be taken from the Library.
Borrowers who make use of the reciprocal agreement with the University of Otago Library agree to the sharing of borrower information between the Libraries.
Access to electronic resources is restricted to enrolled students and current staff of each institution.
Conduct of Library Users
All persons who use the Library shall respect the rights of other users.
Any person who in the opinion of the Librarian seriously inconveniences other Library users, or causes damage in the Library, may be excluded from the Library and shall make good any damage caused.
Silence must be observed in designated quiet zones of the Library.
Smoking, eating and drinking (except from sealed water bottles) are not permitted in the Library.
Any person leaving the Library shall, if called upon to do so by the Librarian, present for inspection all books and property being carried out of the Library.
No person shall reserve a working place in the Library by leaving library material or personal property on a reading table. The Librarian may remove material and property left at a vacated working place after the table has been vacated for more than 15 minutes. Any user unable to find a working place may ask the Librarian to clear a vacated table.
The use of photocopy machines for a purpose that constitutes an infringement of copyright is illegal.
Library users must vacate the building when requested to do so.
Children in the Library should be under the care and control of a responsible adult at all times.
All Library users should have cell phones switched off in the Library. The use of cell phones in the Library foyer is permitted.
Copyright guidelines
The Otago Polytechnic has a CLNZ print license and a Screenrights educational license.
CLNZ print licence
This is a licence to copy from printed published works, beyond the limits set by the Copyright Act. For more information visit the CLNZ website.
Screenrights educational licence
This Screenrights licence has been established under provisions in the New Zealand Copyright Act. It provides educators with access to an important educational resource while ensuring payment to the rightsholders who make the programmes teachers and academics want to use.
Article Databases and E-Journals
Full text article databases and e-journal subscribed to by the Library are subject to separate licence agreements. Each agreement is different – staff wishing to copy or download electronic full-text articles for print or online course packs should consult the Library as to whether the specific database licence agreements permit this.