Library tour
Libraries are treasure troves of information, if you know where to look. Using the maps and images, you will be able to find your way around the Robertson Library, which provides services for students of Otago Polytechnic and the University of Otago.

1. Main entrance | 8. Journals |
2. Common room and patio | 8a. Education journals |
3. Library Hub and Help desk | 9. Main OP Collection |
4. Student computers | 10. Group study rooms (numbered in blue) |
5. Reserve collection |
11. Study areas |
6. Library catalogue terminals and self-issue machine |
12. Education collections |
7. Seminar room with student computers |
13. Using the University of Otago Libraries |
1. Main entrance
To the right you’ll see the afters hours return slot and Library opening hours.

3. Library hub: Library information, issue and return books, copy, print and scan
Ask for assistance from Library staff
Use the self-issue machine
Return books
Access the Library catalogue
Use the Poly MFD to print, scan and copy
Add credit to your Papercut account (eftpos only) Follow the links below for more information about printing.

Printing, copying and scanning links

4. Student computers
There are 39 student computers on the ground floor, including the ones in the Seminar room. The machines are set-up for Otago Polytechnic and Otago University student access and this means you need to choose the correct profile to access the Otago Polytechnic student desktop.
Choose the Guest profile (bottom left of screen) and sign in to the Otago Polytechnic RemoteApp with your student username and password. You can also connect any devices to the wifi using Eduroam.
5. Reserve collection and Hold shelf
The Reserve collection holds course textbooks and DVDs that are considered important reading by your lecturers/tutors. This is also where the hold shelf is located (for books requested online).
Items are for 2 hour loan and need to be issued before they can leave this area.
Items can be booked in advance online or talk to the Library staff.
Contains a self-issue machine.

6. Library catalogue terminals
Computers dedicated to searching the Library catalogue - Library Search | Ketu, and the OP and Otago University website, are located on both floors of the Library. Library Search | Ketu is also accessible from the Library home page.

8. Journals
There are two sections of journals (hard copy) in the Library. The Otago Polytechnic journal collection is in the mobile shelving and some recent issues may also be on display. The OP journals are not for loan but they can be used within the Library and articles can be scanned or photocopied.

The Library catalogue Library Search | Ketu allows you to search for online journals, articles and e-books. Research databases for article searching are found on the databases page. You can also browse the databases by subject area using the Subject guides.

Dewey Decimal system |
The OP collections are organised using the Dewey Decimal system. Each item is assigned a call number. For example: 610.02 WOO |
The call number acts like a shelving address for the item and the first part identifies the main subject of the item: 610 = Medicine and health. This means that books or journals on the same topic are likely to be shelved in the same area of their respective collections. Watch this video to learn how to go from finding a book in the catalogue to finding it on the Library shelves. |
In contrast, most of the Otago University collections use the Library of Congress system. The call numbers in this system start with letters and then numbers (e.g. LB1051.SS73). An exception to this is the University’s Teaching Support (TS) collection in the Robertson Library; it is also organised using the Dewey Decimal system. |
10. Group study rooms
There are group study rooms located on both floors of the Library.
There are nine study rooms in the Library, all have white boards (bring your own pens) and most have a Datashow.
Some rooms have a DVD player and monitor.
Rooms can be booked online for 1-3 hours per group, per day. Multiple, back-to-back bookings may get deleted.
If you are more than 15 minutes late for your booking, the room becomes available for other students to use.
Cables (PC only) and equipment to connect your laptop to the Datashow and SMARTboard are stored in a locked cabinet in each room. The key for the cabinet is held in the Reserve collection on the ground floor.
You can use these rooms if they are empty but be prepared to leave on request.

12. Education collections
There are three University collections in the Robertson library; the main (book) collection, journal collection and the teaching support collection.
As an OP student or staff member, you are welcome to borrow from these collections and the other University collections. An exception is Hocken – no items can be borrowed, only used within the Library.

13. Using the University of Otago Libraries
The Library catalogue searches across the print (hard copy) collections of all the University of Otago Libraries. You are welcome to visit these Libraries and borrow books and journals with your current OP ID card.
You can use the other Otago University Libraries as study spaces but you won’t be able to book their group study rooms, or log in to the student computers and use the e-journals, databases or e-book collection. You can access the wireless network by following these directions.
Request books (or a chapter or journal article) from University of Otago Libraries using the Library catalogue, Library Search | Ketu and have them sent to the Robertson Library to pick up; chapters and articles are sent to your OP email.
Requesting instructions are available from the Place a request on items plage.