Connect to H and I drives
Every student user account created at Otago Polytechnic has an H: Drive. The purpose of this drive is for application settings and files. All your work and files should be saved into OneDrive. You also have a read-only access Course Folder, the I: Drive.
Home folder or H: Drive
Here is an example of a Student Home Folder or “H: Drive”, as we call it at Otago Polytechnic.

About the H: Drive
- Each student has a Home Folder disk space quota of 100 Megabytes. This is just for storing small files and settings used by applications on student PC’s. You should use your 1TB OneDrive for storing all your work and files.
Your H: Drive is part of the Student File Server, and is not part of the computer onto which you have logged. This means that your H: Drive will follow you around campus, independent of the student computer you are using.
If you save to your H: Drive, any file you put there will be available to you on any other Otago Polytechnic computer you may log on to.
Your H: Drive files are secure. No other student can access your files, and provided you remember to log off the computer when you are finished, the next person to use that computer cannot see your H: Drive.
Always remember to log off the Otago Polytechnic Network when you have finished your work to protect your files and PaperCut print money.
Course or I: Drive Folder
This is an example of a Course Folder or “I: Drive”.

About the I: Drive:
- I: Drive is an area with Read-Only access for students. You can copy files from here to your H: Drive to work on them if this is appropriate and expected of you.
- However, you are not able to create files in this place. This is by design, as this location is a place where your teachers can put information for you to find later.
- Not all teachers use this I: Drive area. Most will use Moodle instead, but it is important that you are aware of where your course material might reside on the I: Drive. If you are not sure, just ask your teachers.
Hero image: Christmas tree light blur. mirekmurmir. Image retrieved from: Licensed under Creative Commons License CC0 Public Domain.