eTV provides OP learners and staff a wide range of national and international video library services.
What is eTV?, is an online video library for New Zealand educators. It has a wide range of national and international video library services, as well as providing a live streaming service for all Free to Air NZ channels and selected international channels.
eTV distributes programmes recorded off-air from domestic and international television channels and Internet channels, that can be viewed and downloaded under the terms and conditions of the Screenrights Licensing Scheme.
eTV is an ad free and “copyright safe” area for students.
How do I access it?
Every staff member and student at OP has free access to eTV and you can sign in with your OP username and password.
Click on Login or register. Type in your OP email address.

A pop up window will ask if you would like to use single sign-on. Click OK.

Once redirected to the OP sign-on page, enter your OP username and password.
After you have clicked Sign in, you will be redirected back to eTV.

Technical Requirements
eTV has been optimised for, and recommends use of the site in the following browsers:
Safari 4+
Internet Explorer 8+
Firefox 5+
Google Chrome 13
Regardless of the browser you are using, please ensure that JavaScript and Cookies are enabled.
Hero image: Christmas tree light blur. mirekmurmir. Image retrieved from: Licensed under Creative Commons License CC0 Public Domain.