Great! My dog and cats chase each other all the time.
The right aswer is: My dog and cats chase each other all the time.
Great! The books that are in my library are the best I have ever read.
The right answer is: The books that are in my library are the best I have ever read.
Great! Everyone is going to the concert except me.
The right answer is: Everyone is going to the concert except me.
The right answer is: My family is moving to California.
The right answer is: Here is the lake I told you about.
The right answer is: There are the newspapers I was supposed to deliver.
The right answer is: Which room is bigger?
The right answer is: When is the movie going to start?
The right answer is: My sister and brother clean up after themselves.
The right answer is: Some of the clothes are packed away in the attic.
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