Punctuation errors 2
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, hyphens, and dashes as needed.
- My
- mothers
- garden
- is
- full
- of
- beautiful
- flowers.
Try again!
The right answer is: My mother’s garden is full of beautiful flowers.
- My
- mother's
- garden
- is
- full
- of
- beautiful
- flowers.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- She
- has
- carefully
- planted
- several
- species
- of
- roses
- peonies
- and
- irises.
Try again!
The right answer is: She has carefully planted several species of roses, peonies, and irises.
- She
- has
- carefully
- planted
- several
- species
- of
- roses,
- peonies,
- and
- irises.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- She
- is
- especially
- proud
- of
- her
- thirty
- year
- old
- Japanese
- maple
- tree.
Try again!
The right answer is: She is especially proud of her thirty-year-old Japanese maple tree.
- She
- is
- especially
- proud
- of
- her
- thirty-
- year-
- old
- Japanese
- maple
- tree.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, hyphens, and dashes as needed.
- You
- should
- see
- the
- birds
- that
- are
- attracted
- to
- the
- garden
- hummingbirds,
- finches,
- robins,
- and
- sparrows.
Try again!
The right answer is: You should see the birds that are attracted to the garden: hummingbirds, finches, robins, and sparrows.
- You
- should
- see
- the
- birds
- that
- are
- attracted
- to
- the
- garden:
- hummingbirds,
- finches,
- robins,
- and
- sparrows.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- We
- spend
- a
- lot
- of
- time
- in
- the
- garden
- planting,
- weeding,
- and
- just
- enjoying
- the
- view.
Try again!
The right answer is: We spend a lot of time in the garden: planting, weeding, and just enjoying the view.
- We
- spend
- a
- lot
- of
- time
- in
- the
- garden:
- planting,
- weeding,
- and
- just
- enjoying
- the
- view.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- Each
- flower
- has
- its
- own
- personality
- some
- seem
- shy
- and
- others
- seem
- bold.
Try again!
The right answer is: Each flower has its own personality; some seem shy and others seem bold.
- Each
- flower
- has
- its
- own
- personality;
- some
- seem
- shy
- and
- others
- seem
- bold.
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- Arent
- gardens
- wonderful?
Try again!
The right answer is: Aren’t gardens wonderful?
- Aren't
- gardens
- wonderful?
Each sentence contains a punctuation error. Correct each sentence by adding commas, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, brackets, and hyphens as needed.
- You
- should
- come
- visit
- sometime.
- Do
- you
- like
- to
- garden?
Try again!
The right answer is: “You should come visit sometime. Do you like to garden?”
- “You
- should
- come
- visit
- sometime.
- Do
- you
- like
- to
- garden?”
This work includes material from the following sources:
The Saylor Foundation. (2013). Writing for success. Retrieved from http://www.saylor.org/site/textbooks/Writing%20for%20Success.pdf Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.