How well am I taking notes?
Note taking self-assessment
It is important to have your own appropriate, relevant, and organized notes of sufficient length, which enable you to produce a quality piece of work. To help you to do this, there is an assessment tool, which gives you feedback as to how well you have taken down your notes.
Key words vs copying
- I have written my notes as key words and phrases in my own words
- I have written my notes as key words and phrases in mostly my own words
- Most of my notes are copied from the source, but there is some evidence I have used some of my own keywords and phrases
- I have copied directly from the source
Remember to use your own words to paraphrase what you have read.
Great! Taking notes in this way will enable you to produce a quality piece of work.
- I have written my notes as key words and phrases in my own words
- My notes mainly relate to the topic, show some main ideas and contain some examples.
- Some of my notes relate to the topic, but many do not, and I have few main ideas and few examples.
- My notes do not relate to the topic and there are few main ideas and no examples.
- My notes relate to the topic, show the main ideas and contain enough examples.
Great! Taking notes in this way will enable you to produce a quality piece of work.
Remember to relate your notes to the topic, illustrating the main ideas by giving sufficient examples.
- My notes relate to the topic, show the main ideas and contain enough examples.
- Most of my notes are organized with some logic, order and legibility.
- There is some evidence that my notes are organized, but with little order and are somewhat illegible.
- All my notes are organized logically, in order and legibly.
- There is no evidence that my notes are organized, orderly or legible.
Great! Taking notes in this way will enable you to produce a quality piece of work.
Remember to organize your notes in a logical, legible order.
- All my notes are organized logically, in order and legibly.
- There are sufficient notes to record all the relevant, key data.
- There are notes to record some of the data.
- There are sufficient notes to record most of the data.
- There are not enough notes, or too many notes, to record the data.
Great! Taking notes in this way will enable you to produce a quality piece of work.
Remember to record all relevant data by summarizing carefully, being efficient with your use of words.
- There are sufficient notes to record all the relevant, key data.
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