Try again!
Hint: Don’t believe the lie OR i before e except after c (generally)
The right answer is: believe
Try again! Hint: There are definitely 2 i’s and 2 e’s
The right answer is: definitely
Try again! Hint: It is necessary for a shirt to have one collar (c) and two sleeves (s)
The right answer is: necessary
Try again! Hint: A large word needs to accommodate 2 c’s and 2 m’s
The right answer is: accommodation
Try again! Hint: It’s apparent that a parent must pay the rent OR This app was created for a picky parent.
The right answer is: apparent
Try again! Hint: It will embarrass you if you don’t remember to double both the r and the s
The right ansawer is: embarrass
Try again! Hint: It’s easy 2 c there’s only 1 s on this occasion
The right answer is: occasion
Try again! Hint: A government needs to govern
The right answer is: government
Try again! Hint: See the pay rate
The right answer is: separate
Try again!Hint: I recommend that you see only one c but 2 m’s
The right answer is: recommend
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