Health and wellbeing contacts
Find the Health and wellbeing contact details you need, where ever you may be studying at OP.
Urgent care
If you require urgent medical or accident assistance, call 111 or you can go to:
1. Urgent Doctors
18 Filleul Street | 8.00am - 10.00pm | 03 479 29002 |
2. Emergency Department
Dunedin Hospital, 201 Great King St | After-hours treatment 10.00pm-8.00am |
3. Your family GP
Or, for any health advice during this time, phone Healthline 0800 611 116
For any COVID-19 related advice, phone the COVID-19 Healthline 0800 847 8719
Student Health Centres
Student Health will be closed for appointments 9 December 2024 to 7 February 2025.
Dunedin Campus
Dunedin Campus, Harbour Terrace, M Block |
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm (appointments available 9.00am-4.30pm) | 03 479 6082 |
We are available for medical appointments Monday-Friday, 9.00am-4.30pm. However you will need to book in for a phone consultation first before being seen. See appointment information below.
Conveniently located on our Dunedin Campus, the Student Health Centre provides the same services offered by your family doctor. It also promotes health education, and offers health screening tests, nutrition advice, vaccinations and some minor surgery options.
The cost for a consultation is $15, or is free if you have a current Community Services card. Missed doctor appointments are charged $20.
All patients must phone for an appointment - please do not arrive at Student Health in person.
All patients will be triaged over the phone and depending on your symptoms and vaccination status a decision will be made about how your appointment will take place. This might be in person or via telehealth (phone or video).
All appointments will incur the usual charges (including telehealth).
If you are having a telehealth consult, please make sure you are available at the agreed time for your consultation. If the doctor is unable to get hold of you at that time, you will need to ring back and arrange another time. Missed appointments will still incur a fee.
Please phone us if you have any concerns 03 479 6082 or 0800 762 786 and ask for Student Health
Central Campus
Cromwell Medical Centre | 190 Waenga Drive, Cromwell | 03 445 1119 |
Junction Health | 1A Traders Lane, Cromwell | 03 445 4688 |
Aspiring Medical Centre |
Wanaka Lakes Health Centre, 23 Cardrona Valley Road |
03 443 0725 |
Queenstown Medical Centre | 9 Isle Street, Queenstown | 03 441 0500 |
Auckland Campus
Please contact the Auckland International Campus for advice regarding recommended medical centres in Auckland.
Freephone 0800 111 212 (NZ only) | 09 309 0301 | |
Other freephone or free text numbers:
Need to talk Free text or call 1737
Lifeline free call: 0800 543 354 text 4357
Youthline: 0800 376 633
Tautoko crisis line: 0508 828 865
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Outline 0800 688 5463
Lowdown: free text 5626
Skylight: 0800 299 100
0508 Music Helps: 0508 687 424 text 3577
OP Counselling Services
Confidential counselling with one of our three on-campus counsellors is offered free to all OP students. Confidential counselling with one of our three on-campus counsellors is offered free to all OP students.
Counsellors are registered, experienced and professional, with a broad range of counselling experience. They will work with you, providing a safe place to talk through your worries and current concerns. The focus is on helping you find/explore different ways to manage situations that may be causing difficulty or distress. Some of the things that counsellors help with
- Study related issues
- Relationship issues
- Loneliness
- Anxiety and panic
- Loss and grief
- Depression
- Substance use
- Gender identity/sexuality
- Stress
- Health issues
- Problematic eating
- Adjustment
Online booking system
Choose your counsellor and preferred method of meeting: face-to-face, MS Teams or phone
Telecounselling option (Puawaitanga)
Puawaitanga offers extended hours (9am-9pm and weekends) which works well for some students. See the section below for how to access Puāwaitanga.
Vitae Counselling Services Tari Whakapakari Ngākau
Vitae Counselling Services Tari Whakapakari Ngākau is a free, 24/7 confidential service provided to Te Pūkenga - Otago Polytechnic students.
Counselling services are available face-to-face (wheelchair friendly premises available on request), by telephone or video (Zoom).
See the section below for how to access the Vitae Counselling Services
Dunedin Campus
Student Health Centre |
Harbour Terrace, M Block, Dunedin campus |
0800 762 786 |
Hours: 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. This is a free service.
Missed counsellor appointments are charged $10.
Central Campus
All learners are able to use the Vitae Counselling Services Tari Whakapakari Ngākau (face to face or online) or contact the counsellors below.
Fi Brown and Malcolm Creagh Counsellors |
Book an appointment |
0800 292 988 |
Fill out a referral form to book an appointment and you will be contacted within three working days to make a time. The service is provided every Monday 12.30 – 4.30pm and based out of the REAP office at the Erris Street Campus.
Auckland Campus
Sunjin Heo Counsellor |
Hours: Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm |
0800 111 212 |
Online counselling with OP counsellors
A Microsoft Teams call or phone appointment can be made with any of our OP counsellors. You will be asked to provide your OP email address and phone number. If a phone call is required, the counsellor will ring you at your appointment time.
0800 762 786 ask for Student Health | between 8:30am - 4:30pm weekdays |
Telecounselling Service
OP has partnered with Puāwaitanga to provide support around stress, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, relationship issues, low self-esteem, addictions or other related issues that may be affecting your life.
Puāwaitanga offers:
Phone and/or video counselling sessions to help strengthen your hauora (wellbeing)
You can choose which counsellor you'd like to do sessions with from the Puāwaitanga team
Sessions available 7 days a week, 9am-9pm
Sessions are free to enrolled students
A booster session to check in with you three months after you've finished sessions to see how things have been going
Please note that to access this service you need to be:
Currently enrolled as a student with Otago Polytechnic
Living in New Zealand
Aged 18+ years
To enrol
Enrol online (You will be asked for your student ID number to confirm you are an enrolled student) or you can call 0800 782 999
Puāwaitanga as an Otago Polytechnic partner, will communicate your contacting them, and a summary of care provided back to the OP Counselling team.
Vitae Counselling Services Tari Whakapakari Ngākau
Vitae Counselling Services Tari Whakapakari Ngākau is a free, 24/7 confidential service provided to Te Pūkenga - Otago Polytechnic students.
Counselling services are available face-to-face (wheelchair friendly premises available on request), by telephone or video (Zoom). | | 0508 664 981 | Online referral |
If you need help with:
personal or workplace stress
relationship problems
conflict situations
personal trauma
Call 0508 664 981 or complete the online referral form
Or you can download the Vitae app free by searching Vitae NZ at the apps store.
Wellbeing Support
An OP Wellbeing advisor is available for talking through issues that are affecting your wellbeing and study. Mental Health support, goal setting, motivation, wellbeing strategies, links to community support and practical help and advice. This service is based in Dunedin but our service offers support for all OP learners.
Book an appointment online through the online booking system.
Wellbeing advisor |
Student Success, The Hub, H Block, Dunedin Campus |
0800 762 786 |
Accessibility Services
At OP, any student who feels their disability, impairment, injury, medical or mental health condition or wellbeing is affecting their ability to study can access this support service. Early disclosure is advised so a support plan can be in place for the start of your course. This service is based at our Dunedin Campus but we provide support for all OP learners.
Book an appointment online through the online booking system. If you are not a current OP learner use the contact details below.
Accessibility Services |
Student Success, The Hub, H Block, Dunedin Campus |
0800 762 786 |